Monday, October 19, 2009

Review for Jack's Mannequin

Jack's Mannequin is from Orange County, California and although the city they come from is massive they don't let their music get lost in all of the bands that have blossomed out of that city. Their alternative rock genre has had there ups and downs over they years and annually participates in "The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light The Night Walk". Remaining to have a positive attitude after their lead singer Andrew McMahon was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, they have put out two albums since the diagnosis, "Everything in Transit" and "The Glass Passenger".

Everything in Transit, went to number #37 on the Billboard 200. Though the album wasn't a huge success, the album was still very good. It has strong vocals, and most of the album is based on McMahon's cancer. It got positive reviews from Maverick Records and has now singed a deal with them. Although the album is only 45:33 minutes long, it is filled with songs that has everyone singing and enjoying.

The Glass Passenger, went to #8 on the Billboard 200. This album was a massive success. It sold 49, 000 albums within the first week. It has strong songs such as "Swim", "Spinning" and "Crashin'" McMahon was back in full force on this album and had had ten songs written and started mixing them in December 2008. Maverick Records produced this CD and made a wonderful choice. They put "Jack's Mannequin" on the map and they won't ever being going back.

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